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We are being deluded with books and false teachings suggesting that we can contact the dead or that we can know more about heaven and hell outside of what the Bible teaches. Please read a timely article from

Question: “What is the Christian view of psychics?”

Answer: The Bible strongly condemns spiritism, mediums, the occult, and psychics (Leviticus 20:27; Deuteronomy 18:10-13). Horoscopes, tarot cards, astrology, fortune tellers, palm readings, and séances fall into this category as well. These practices are based on the concept that there are gods, spirits, or deceased loved ones that can give advice and guidance. These “gods” or “spirits” are demons (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). The Bible gives us no reason to believe that deceased loved ones can contact us. If they were believers, they are in heaven enjoying the most wonderful place imaginable in fellowship with a loving God. If they were not believers, they are in hell, suffering the un-ending torment for rejecting God’s love and rebelling against Him.

So, if our loved ones cannot contact us, how do mediums, spiritists, and psychics get such accurate information? There have been many exposures of psychics as frauds. It has been proven that psychics can gain immense amounts of information on someone through ordinary means. Sometimes by just using a telephone number through caller ID and an internet search, a psychic can get names, addresses, dates of birth, dates of marriage, family members, etc. However, it is undeniable that psychics sometimes know things that should be impossible for them to know. Where do they get this information? The answer is from Satan and his demons. “And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). Acts 16:16-18 describes a fortune teller who was able to predict the future until the apostle Paul rebuked a demon out of her.

Satan pretends to be kind and helpful. He tries to appear as something good. Satan and his demons will give a psychic information about a person in order to get that person hooked into spiritism, something that God forbids. It appears innocent at first, but soon people can find themselves addicted to psychics and unwittingly allow Satan to control and destroy their lives. Peter proclaimed, “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). In some cases, the psychics themselves are deceived, not knowing the true source of the information they receive. Whatever the case and wherever the source of the information, nothing connected to spiritism, witchcraft, or astrology is a godly means of discovering information. How does God want us to discern His will for our life? God’s plan is simple, yet powerful and effective: study the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and pray for wisdom (James 1:5).

Once I was prescribed Celexa to help me through my weepy period of menopause. Looking back I wish I had just relied on God to get me through this emotional roller-coaster ride. Instead, the drug opened my mind up to the paranormal world with visions and “words.”  In essense I become a channeler. Being a Christian, I thought God was using me in a special way by the guidance I thought I was receiving. Instead I was listening to the enemy.

Today it is easy to come across those who say they are receiving visions and words from the Lord on a daily basis. I was there once and it is very seducing, but it is usually deception.

Deception by divination will usually lead to pride and paranoid delusion. Because of the nature of the evil one, and the grace of God, warning signs will come. If unheeded, this road leads to destruction.

Coming back to biblical teachings involved throwing myself on the mercy of God for my pride and rebellion.  I had to pray that all abilities not from God  be completely removed. And they were!

Here is an interesting comment from Bob Dewaay:

Divination is forbidden not because it does not work, but because it does. It works to put people in touch with spiritual forces and secret knowledge. … The evil spirits who dispense this information intend to keep people from coming to God through Messiah. They also seek to deceive Christians into thinking that what has been provided through Christ is insufficient. They are very good at what they do.


Prescribed psychotropic drugs  are not the only danger. This is only one way that a person can open themselves to deception. There are many ways. There is the impartation of false anointings, drugs, alcohol, eastern meditation, repetition of word, hypnosis, visualization (very occult) , and the seduction of today’s hypnotic music. The church is being bombarded with all these deceptions and spiritual influences and they must be rejected instead of being accepted.

Please also be warned that the terms paranormal and metaphysical both mean….occult.

Okay now for the feature article:

How should a Christian respond to evidence of paranormal activity?”

Answer: The word paranormal can be defined as “the occurrence, or perception of, an event without scientific explanation, or other purportedly supernatural phenomena.” Paranormal activity is an encompassing term that includes not only ghosts and hauntings and demonic activity, but also includes other unexplainable phenomena such as unidentified flying objects (UFOs), and extrasensory perception (ESP), to name just a few. With the proliferation of movies and television shows that in one way or another sensationalize paranormal activity, it is clear that many are indeed fascinated with this realm. In fact, a 2007 low-budget movie titled Paranormal Activity went on to become one of the most profitable movies of all time. How then, should Christians respond when we read about supposed hauntings and other paranormal occurrences?

A common misconception is that disembodied spirits can remain on earth or perhaps come back to “haunt” or otherwise interact with us. However, nothing in the Bible supports this belief. Rather, “man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). But the Bible does make it clear that there are spirit beings—angels and demons—which operate in the heavenly realm. The angels serve God. They are ministering spirits who are sent by God “to serve those who will inherit salvation” (Hebrews 1:14). Demons, on the other hand, are fallen angels under the control of Satan, and they roam the earth looking to destroy God’s children (1 Peter 5:8). They are cunning and wise and keenly aware of our weaknesses and our propensity to desire that which will satisfy our fleshly desires. Worst of all, they can masquerade as “angels of light” or as “servants of righteousness” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). Regarding the immensity of Satan’s earthly “operation,” the apostle John reminds us that the “whole world” is under his control (1 John 5:19).

Now, some of the paranormal activity we read about today could very well be hoaxes perpetuated on a public that is all too eager to believe. In some cases, well-meaning people could be innocently mistaken as to what they think they might have seen or experienced. There is probably a logical explanation for much of what gets passed off as “paranormal activity.” However, if there is genuine evil spiritual activity occurring, it would have to be the work of demons. Either way, however, when Christians read or hear of such activity we should not be intrigued by it or drawn to it; rather we should use it as a solid reminder of the spiritual battle that is the Christian life and the one against whom we struggle. “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood,” but, rather it is against the “powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12 emphasis added).

Many people are no doubt intrigued by tales of ghosts and hauntings. Yet, if getting angry can give the devil a “foothold” into our lives (Ephesians 4:27), how much more so would a fascination with the “dark forces” of this world that he controls? Jesus Christ came to earth to destroy the devil’s work (1 John 3:8), and it took His death to accomplish it. Our response to paranormal activity, at least as it pertains to any sort of demonic activity, is to be reminded of the evil which ultimately led to our Savior’s great sacrifice. Beyond that, Christians should avoid any and all contact with the paranormal.

*note *

I selected the photo because this is what I saw in a dream when I denounced and rejected what I was receiving. Satan was exposed and he left and so did the oppression.



Mike Oppenheimer of:

Let Us Reason Ministries

MY TESTIMONY                         

I was brought up Jewish, went to Shabbat quite faithfully each Friday and celebrated the holydays at the temple and with family. Our family like many others, gathered together on the high holy days in observance. I attended Hebrew school twice a week and learned the language and eventually was Bar Mitzvahed and confirmed. While attending classes I asked a lot of questions about God the Rabbi could not answer. Though I continued each year, mainly to please my parents, I became less interested in the traditional religion of my parents and feeling hindered in my spiritual development, leaped head first into my own brand of freestyle spirituality after graduation.

By my own search in reading and attending lectures and gatherings I got involved in the New Age Movement, became a vegetarian and for 15 years practiced yoga and meditation. I ended up using psychedelic drugs for a time (LSD, mescaline etc.), as part of my regular religious observances and smoking “pakalolo” (pot) became part of my normal lifestyle. During these times I also experimented with various religions and the occult. I felt they each contained some part of the truth of the one “true” religion, just as Rosicrucianism teaches all religions are petals on the same flower.

I studied about the Ancient Masters of the East, learning about Buddhism and Zen I picked up on a number of the practices. I had a number of spiritual experiences which at the time I was sure were from God and leading me to a greater knowledge of myself and Him. I discovered and believed in the Ascended Masters that were guiding our world into a greater evolutionary path. I was involved with UFO’s and channeled messages. I was sure I was on the right spiritual path because of the various signs things just fell into place. At the same time I also read the Bible (even the New Testament), not denying my Jewish roots. I began reading over 50 books a year, having an insatiable spiritual appetite, but God was working on my exit out of this spiritual bondage.

I had also started to surf before beginning my spiritual pilgrimage. I fell in love with the sport and began traveling, surfing and entering contests. Surfing became my livelihood after I learned to shape surfboards for a living. I became the NY champion for a number of years and eventually the eastern surfing champion for two years. Hawaii proved to be an irresistible attraction due to its fantastic surf. I moved permanently to Hawaii with my girlfriend Kathy in the mid 70’s. This gave me more freedom to pursue both my first love of surfing and my freelance spirituality. We thought we were becoming enlightened. Reading books about the Ascended Masters involvement and “learning” about Earth’s past history on Lemuria and Atlantis. We desired to become servants of the New age movement, convinced that if we all united we could usher in an age of spiritual cooperation and enlightenment that so many were talking about. After nine years my searching came to a head when my girlfriend Kathy and I started to pursue our spiritual hunger more seriously and became involved in the “I Am Movement” (the Saint Germaine Society of the Ballard’s). Through calling on angels and powers unknown to us and by “decreeing” and using the Violet Consuming Flame to eradicate past life karma, we were learning to become active in the New Age Movement. At the time, Kathy was practicing affirmations, mantras, studying herbology, polarity therapy, kinesiology and learning about the supposed spiritual energies of the body. She also was a manager of a health store on the Island of Oahu.

At the same time, the Lord started moving ahead with His rescue plan and during one week we had two friends over who had recently became Christians. One was also a surfer that I knew from New York. We talked about end-time events for hours. Since I was familiar with, as I had been reading the Bible for years, and was especially fascinated about the end of the age. (At that time we both thought Christians were very narrow minded about their view of the Bible, God and the world. Kathy and I used to laugh about how the New Age was coming in without Christians even being aware of it, and were still trying to live in the old traditions and were not going to be part of it). Later that week my friends invited us to a seminar that just so happened to be on the New Age Movement with speakers Dave Hunt, Johanna Michaelson and Hal Lindsey. Talk about timing! It was also during that same week that I heard an audible voice say, “I am the Lord your God, you shall not want.” I recognized this was from Psalm 23 from my Jewish upbringing and had never experienced anything like it. Inside I knew this was the God I was searching for but still did not know. It was only later I would understand why this voice was outside and not from inside me.

I attended the Christian conference on Bible prophecy and the New Age Movement that week while Kathy stayed home doing her New Age affirmations. She wasn’t feeling well that day and unknowingly had really been going through a spiritual battle all that week. At the conference, I was shocked to hear the other side of the story. The information I heard seemed incredible. The speakers knew all about the occult techniques Kathy and I were following and practicing, and about the New Age Movement’s master plans. I spoke to Dave Hunt briefly during a break and he answered a number of important questions. One was why Jesus said, “why you have forsaken me?” Though I was reading the Bible all these years I could not understand the gospel contained in it. I was blinded by the viewpoints ingrained from the New Age influences. I was also challenged by Dave on the occult practices in which I was personally involved practicing. He was aware of the “I am societies” practices. One question he asked was, “If you’re God did you create the universe? I had never thought this through. If I’m trying to become god through all these New Age techniques, how could this be possible, when God was always all knowing and all powerful (according to the Scriptures and what I had heard through their speaking that night). It was through this question that a chain of events led to the Lord really ministering the truth to my heart and mind. When the conference resumed Johanna spoke and I was relating to a lot she had experienced, especially in regards to the Ascended Master “Jesus”. Then she spoke about another Jesus – the true Jesus of the Bible, which came as a total shock. I never thought there could be false Jesus’ parading around as the real one. They were only Jesus by name but not the One who is God come in the flesh. It all made sense. When she prayed my heart was pierced, I knew I had heard the truth, but the question was; what would I do about it?

All the way home I wrestled with the realization that I had wasted the past 15 years believing and doing the wrong things. (Prior to this I thought Christians were very narrow minded but now I had to reconsider that I was too open-minded and had bought into a lie.) I asked my friends who took me to the meeting numerous questions that were running through my mind. Being new Christians, they could answer only a few of them. They just kept saying to me, “we know the Bible is God’s Word and Jesus is the truth.”

Kathy was waiting up for me when I got home. It was late and she was actually scared that I would come home a Christian from the meeting! As I came in a peace came in the house and on her, as I sat her down and shared about how the Christians viewed the last days and how it wasn’t anything like what we were being taught in the New Age Movement. It was then that the Holy Spirit revealed to Kathy that not only were we following the wrong Jesus (2 Cor.11:4), but that we were worshiping Satan, and that he is a real being. Then the fear of God fell upon us and for the first time we got down on our knees and prayed to the true living God to forgive us for the occult beliefs we had been deceived into practicing. The Lord got the last laugh, but it was a pleasant one of victory.

The next morning we both went to a Christian church and the pastor got to the pulpit and said that he was told to change the sermon. He spoke on sin, Satan and Jesus Christ, we thought our friends had tipped him off but it was the Lord. We heard the gospel explained and dedicated our lives to the Lord, repenting and asking Christ to forgive us. Thank the Lord He intervened. We were saved together in the year 1986. It was later that week I found out that it was on the 20th anniversary of my confirmation day when God spoke that previous week to me Psalm 23. The last thing I read in front of the congregation in the temple 20 years before had been Proverbs 4:1-2 “Hear my children, the instruction of a Father, and give attention to know understanding. For I have given you good doctrine, forsake not my law.” Unfortunately, I did forsake His Law, for 20 years- but God brought me and my soon-to-be wife back. Five weeks after our spiritual birth Kathy and I were married and today have a 15 year old son who has been learning and become very interested in the debate of creation versus evolution among other interests.

Immediately, I began to study the Bible and learn apologetics in order to give answers to those who ask why we believe in Christ and why Jesus is God in the flesh. Since 1988 I have continued teaching on the cults and aberrant world views including how the cults deny grace and opt for works to be accepted by God. These include the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism, and also the occult (New Age world view) which is now very present inside the Church.

By the grace of God I have had the privilege to have taught at Hope Chapels, Calvary Chapels, Church of Christ, Youth With A Mission, United Methodist Church, Grace Brethren, Assembly of God and various other Hawaii congregations. I have also had the opportunity to share in small group studies around the Island and have been involved in a number of debates. The Lord has currently provided us with the opportunity to host a TV program and had live call-in broadcast called “Let Us Reason” on a local Christian station as well as featured on several other live radio broadcasts in Hawaii. I am currently a missionary for Witness Inc., the world’s largest counter cult ministry reaching out to Jehovah’s Witnesses.

In 1994 Let Us Reason Ministries was founded as an up-to-date apologetic resource center to instill both confidence and a desire to lead others to Christ. This is done by helping equip believers with both Biblical, and logical answers for their Christian faith. I have learned many things along the way that need to be passed on to others to encourage as well as equip them in their witnessing. It’s my hope that this ministry will be able to prompt believers to personally meet and evangelize people who are in cults and false religions as well as discern and call attention to false doctrine within the Church.

Mike Oppenheimer


(used with permission from Let us Reason)



Here is another testimony that you might like to read.


and another


Prophesying and preaching the Gospel at a Psychic Fair

A group of IHOP–KC evangelists went to a psychic fair in Kansas City recently. They set up a table and began prophesying God’s destiny over approximately 100 people involved in New Age religion and witchcraft. God broke in and did amazing things. Since the weekend of the fair, people from the fair have contacted the evangelism team wanting to know where they can meet with them to recieve ministry, and several have been saved since. It was an exciting weekend, where the Lord moved and people were born again, including one of the mediums working the fair. Click below to read and listen to the testimonies.


Please read this article that I found on the IHOP website. There is so much wrong here that I can not begin to fathom it. Remember that the New Age Jesus is not the same as our Lord Jesus Christ. Satan comes as an angel of light and professes love and peace.  I have highlighted many of the red flags in red….my comments in blue.  I would like to add that it sounds as though some good came out of this, but hard to say.


***UPDATE*** IHOP has pulled this article from their website so the above link no longer works, but it is preserved here on my blog.

A Weekend with the Witches

By Ken DeBenedictis

I’ve been having these conversations with fellow believers about the “New Age

Movement” for years now. I know, I know… it’s evil. It’s deceptive. Witchcraft.

Demons. Cooties.. Look out their gonna get you..blah, blah, blah. I have to admit that the

very fact that it causes so much nervousness and controversy amongst the prophetic Body

of Christ makes me want to set my coordinates and head straight in. So when the

opportunity came for some friends and I to go to a Psychic Fair, I couldn’t have been


My friend, Erika had noticed an ad on a billboard announcing the fair and felt a tug from

the Lord to explore the idea of being involved. She gave me a call and the two of us

began to search out the contacts on the website that she read off the billboard. I gave the

organization a call and had a real interesting conversation with one of the head

organizers. He asked me who I was what I was wanting. I simply told him that we were a

network of friends called the “Mystics of Yeshua” ( this is deceptive) and that we wanted to be involved as

venders. He began to interview me and wanted to know just what kind of “vendors” we

were. Wisdom began to speak through me (to deceive another person?) and I explained that we work as a group of

interconnected “readers” and “seers” who channel Yeshua’s energy into people. We also

do aura cleansing. He seemed to like that answer and began to ask further about the

cleansing. I said that if people coming to us had any negative energy that they wanted to

get rid of, the pure light from Yeshua would remove any dark energy that they might be

carrying. I figured the answer was satisfactory, because the next thing out of his mouth

was him telling me we could have a section of the “reading room” and share it with the

other psychics and mediums.

“How much do you charge?” he asked.

“Uuhm…nothing”, I replied. “We believe that if you give this kind of service away free

of charge, it comes back to you somehow”.

He said he knew what I was talking about and put me on hold.

We exchanged information and were told the process of how to apply. Apparently the

registration was already past and this was a “unique situation” for the organization.

Nonetheless, within minutes I was told that we could have two tables and we could pretty

much set up the way we wanted. I thanked him very much for the opportunity and knew

right then that Yeshua was on the move.

Within two days we had assembled a team of eleven people through cell phones and

emails and gathered together at a coffee shop to get everyone on the same page. Our first

rule of thumb was no Christianese or church-language of any kind. (sounds like Willow Creek) If we were going to

get through to anyone in this environment, we had to speak THEIR language, not try to

make them understand ours. Speaking “energy” was a key and walking with Wisdom was

essential to this mission. In order to follow Him in this strategy, we truly had to be sheep

in wolves clothing.

Erika, Liz and myself arrived at the Community College where it was to be held and

strolled in past the crystal tables, wolf skins, and witchcraft how-to books. A hypnotic

toned base flute was playing in the background, as was the lingering smell of Nepalese

incense. It couldn’t have been more ideal. We found a stocked pond full of fish and we

were the only ones at this derby! We met the director of the fair and she told us that she

had been expecting us. We signed the code of ethics statement, which to my surprise

impressed me with their integrity more so than some of the prophetic ministries I have

been to. (?) We walked in with our gear to a wide-open expo center. There were stalls of

tarot card readers, psychics and mediums all around the edges of it with rows of chairs

for people to wait in the middle. I couldn’t help but think of some of the prophecy teams

that I have ministered with at prophetic conferences. Surprisingly, it was very similar in

appearance until I looked to my right to notice an albino woman’s eyes roll back in her

head as she read her cards for a nice young couple. Not exactly lining up with

1Corinthians 14:3, but it seemed to flow with the spirit of the thing. We proceeded over

to our area and by the director’s recommendation and grabbed two stalls next to each

other at a corner so that “our energies could stay together”. We politely thanked her for

her help and suggestions and began to set up shop. I looked over at Erika who was now

hugging one of the witches, and realized we had just entered into a large door of God’s

grace. It was truly remarkable how cooperative everyone was being and how much love

seemed to be exuding from us. The Lord was opening doors one right after the other.

It didn’t take long to get started. We put up our sign, anointed ourselves with oil and

prayed in tongues for a few minutes. When the time was right, Yeshua’s Spirit began to

lead people over one by one. Our first customers was a grandmother, mother, daughter

trio who sat there intently listening as Erika began to speak Word’s of Love into their

hungry hearts. It truly flowed like a river and within seconds woman number one was in

tears. We couldn’t believe how easy it was. Before long, a steady flow of people began to

come. We started getting in the groove pretty quick. We’d introduce ourselves, explain

what “Yeshua” meant, informed them that one person would be the “channel” while the

other would be the “oracle”. That there was no need for fear because it’s the same spirit

that’s working through both of us. We told them it would be pure love and light that they

would feel and to be open to receive it. Time quickly went by under this anointing and we

all felt the power of the Spirit upon us. I looked over at Liz who was now having a good

time with the folks, as she had her hands in the air trying to catch the next wave of Love

Energy. The wide-eyed couple across from her was whispering, “Yes, we feel it! Yes we

feel it”. It was quite a scene. The Lord was loving it. By now we were beginning to create

quite a buzz at the expo center and people began to ask about us to the people in charge

of the fair.

Like any good leadership group would do, they sent an inquiry.

“What is Yeshua?” a woman would ask.

We’d explain it in its most basic terms until; they decided that they too wanted a reading.

We knew we were being tested and gave them a quick prophetic word in the most loving

way we knew how. I didn’t think it was much, but apparently she did because within a

half hour we learned the registration people were sending people over to us. According to

them and a lot of the other readers, our energy was the “hottest”.

By the second day, we were in our flow. We now had three booths given to us and up to

five people ministering. My friend Doug who had stall number two had told me he had

never prophesied the way he was that day. His last customer had been prophesied over,

fell into conviction, (wow, this is actually good) accepted Yeshua, and was baptized in the Spirit in one shot. Many

were having similar experiences. I was finding that the majority of the people we were

talking to and “reading” were from denominational backgrounds and had never

considered this kind of thing coming from the “church”. It was truly amazing to learn just

how many people had been hurt by careless and uninformed pastors. I felt like for many

former Christians, this was their turning point. Many times, after “channeling” love

energy for a while, I would prophecy in the first person as if the Father was speaking to

His daughter or son. I’d begin to tell them about how I (or He) had made them, their

calling and their importance to Me (Him). How the Father had been there through any

specific hurt, wound or trauma in their lives and wanted to heal and wash them. That He

had now sent a prophet into their lives in a Psychic Fair to reach them in a personal way.

It was like an arrow being shot into their hearts. Tears of relief and joy rolled down the

cheeks of person after person. At one point, I looked over at all of our tables and noticed

every person was weeping.

One of those I spoke with reminded me of a female Bob Jones. I discerned she was a

psychic reader and began to prophesy accordingly. She gazed into my eyes intently as I

was speaking and then glared an evil glare. I stopped to look into her and told her that we

had a little negative energy problem and said that I would be not talking to her, but to it.

After sending Mr. Negative away in the name of Yeshua, the woman thanked me and I

continued to explain that her gift was a gift from Yeshua and that she had abused it. (this gift was not from Jesus!) That

instead of using it for the King of Kings, she had been using it to serve herself and the

spirit of Baal. Her eyes rolled back and she grinned a demon smile. But then the strangest

thing happened, as she seemed to come to her senses and looked at me as if for help.

Tears welled up in her eyes and she said that it had become so hard. She truly knew that

God had spoken to her and wanted to change. I told her that a prophet’s life was a hard

one and then we both started to weep as the Holy Spirit began to rest on us. I told her that

that the King was returning and sides were being taken. Who was she going to serve? I

looked into her eyes and I knew that for her to give this up meant that the demons would

kill her.( i have never heard this before)  She grabbed my hand and thanked me and got up and left. I couldn’t believe

what the enemy was doing. It enraged me. There were so many of the Lord’s end-time

prophets stuck in the trap of sorcery and witchcraft. It made me all the more determined

to go in and pull out these trapped prophets.

Later that afternoon, Erica and I were approached by an older woman who had been a

reader/psychic in one of the other booths. She was about to go home for the day, but said

that something had made her come over to talk to us. My friend Liz had already

connected with her once and I knew that the Spirit had been working on her. She sat

down and Erika just bathed her in love and acceptance. I was ready to speak and the

Spirit began to swirl around my head. I know when this happens, it’s time to let ‘er rip. I

opened my mouth and began to speak the Word of the Lord to her. For some reason I

bypassed the “energy” language and spoke of Christ the King. How He was coming back

and that she was being called as a prophet to this nation. That she was loved and that the

Lord wanted her back home. Tears were streaming down her face as she wept in

repentance. She went on to say that as a Baptist, she was hurt by a pastor and never

returned. That someone had prophesied that her husband would lay hands on people and

see them get well. It had never been realized. I explained that the Lord had forgiven her

and was calling her to serve Him. Today. Right now. She nodded in agreement and the

Lord told me to anoint her with oil right there. I told her that I was accountable to God if

I did this and wanted a real commitment. I wasn’t playin’. I signaled for LeeAnna who

was sitting at the table next to us, to help us. She came over and the three of us baptized

this dear woman in the Holy Spirit for everyone to see. I continued to prophecy over her

life and spoke of how God had had spoken to her at thirteen years of age about so and so

and this and that. After we had finished, her eyes as big as saucers, she said that no one

but God would know what I had just said. (or the demons) She went on to explain that she had given her

life to the Lord at thirteen and He was reminding her of that. The swirl of the Spirit was

all over everyone. She cried, we prayed, and she said that she had been dreading the car

ride home, but now she couldn’t wait to talk with the Lord. She got up drunk in the Holy

Spirit and went home to do some “house cleaning”. The next morning at the fair, I arrived

to the expo to see the directors of the fair taking her belongings and her name badge out

of her booth. Joan had retired from her practice. She was now a prophet to Yeshua.

There were many other stories of salvations and tears. There were miraculous words of

knowledge and battles in the spirit. I even had a conversation in tongues with a witch. It

was pretty awesome. All in all, we all felt the Lord’s heart for people following the New

Age movement and how He is building teams like ours to go and plunder the enemy’s

camp. It just goes to show you that where the darkness is darkest, the brightness of His

light shines that much brighter. Let’s not miss these opportunities to shine.

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great Light; those who dwelt in the

land of the shadow of death, upon them a Light has shined. You have multiplied the

nation and increased it’s joy; they rejoice before You according to the joy of

harvest, as men rejoice when they divide the spoil.

Isaiah 9:2-3


I have two books by Ray Yungen, “A Time Of Departing” and “For Many Shall Come In My Name”. Both of these books are packed with information regarding the universal spirituality which is “preparing the world for the end of the age”.

What caught my interest in this article is the mention of Marcus Borg.  I have studied him previously because of his involvement in a seminary board which demotes Jesus to a historical spiritual man.

In September this year, a local Episcopal church about 2 miles from my home, advertised  in our local newspaper, a study group based on the book “The Meaning of Jesus” by Marcus Borg. “It explains ways to relate to Jesus in a new way.” This alone made me shudder. Also they promoted “prayer and meditation in the Celtic tradition”.

I read about apostate churches all over the country but when it happens so close to home, I weep inside because of the reality of it all.


Filling the Vacuum with Mysticism

Source: Ray Yungen

by Ray Yungen

Why are the mainstream denominations so open to meditative and holistic practices? David R. Griffen, professor of theology at a United Methodist college in Clairmont, California, states:

A spiritual vacuum exists in organized religion that might he filled by theologies that draw–for better or worse–from what is called parapsychology, paranormal studies, psychic phenomena and, somewhat pejoratively, the “New Age” movement.1

New Agers have become very much aware of this “spiritual vacuum” and have directed their efforts toward filling it. Metaphysical leader James Fadiman makes the following observation:

The traditional religious world is just beginning to make changes, but it’s a slow process–denomination by denomination. When religious institutions begin to lose members year after year, they eventually become aware that they’re not meeting people’s needs. Before long they’re scurrying around looking for innovative programs and improvements.2

Even atheists have observed this trend. Science-fiction writer Richard E. Geis comments in his personal journal that:

The mainstream Christians are lip-service religions in the main, convenience religions, social religions, and they are the ones most subject to erosion and defections and infiltration and subversion. A large and successful effort seems to have been made by the occultists’ New Age planners to dilute and alter the message of most of the mainstream Christian religions.3

This is made evident by a quote which appeared in a newspaper interview with the owner of a New Age bookstore. She reveals:

A lot of people come in who are very Christian. They are looking, by whatever means, to move closer to God on an individual basis.4

This shows that a great number of people who consider themselves to be Christians have a rather dull and dreary attitude toward their faith. They are looking for something to fill the void. One of the foremost individuals who has attempted to fill this void with the New Age is Marcus Borg, professor and author of many widely read books. In one of them, The God We Never Knew, he lays out very concisely how he went from being a traditional Christian to a “mature” Christian. He relates:

I learned from my professors and the readings they assigned that Jesus almost certainly was not born of a virgin, did not think of himself as the Son of God, and did not see his purpose as dying for the sins of the world…. By the time I was thirty, like Humpty Dumpty, my childhood faith had fallen into pieces. My life since has led to a quite different understanding of what the Christian tradition says about God.5

Like multitudes of liberal Christians who believe as he does, Borg turned to mysticism to fill the spiritual vacuum that his way of thinking inevitably leads to. Borg reveals:

I learned about the use of mantras as a means of giving the mind something to focus and refocus on as it sinks into silence.6

This is a recurring theme in all his books, including his very influential book, The Heart of Christianity. Even though Marcus Borg would certainly not call himself a New Ager, his practices and views on God would be in line with traditional New Age thought (i.e., God is in everything and each person is a receptacle of the Divine, which is accessed through meditation).

Borg is a key example of what I am trying to convey. He is not some Hindu guru or counter-culture type personality. He represents the mainstream for millions of people in liberal churches. But his spiritual platform is pure New Age as he makes clear when he expounds:

The sacred is not “somewhere else” spatially distant from us. Rather, we live within God … God has always been in relationship to us, journeying with us, and yearning to be known by us. Yet we commonly do not know this or experience this…. We commonly do not perceive the world of Spirit.7

This perception is, of course, as I have shown [in Yungen’s book], the outcome of mantra-induced silence.

The following is another barometer of Christian tolerance to New Age ideas. The late psychologist M. Scott Peck wrote a phenomenal best seller on psychology and spiritual growth titled The Road Less Traveled. The book contains insights and suggestions for dealing with life’s problems, which is why it has generated the interest it has. But the book also incorporates the central theme of the Ancient Wisdom:

God wants us to become himself (or Herself or Itself). We are growing toward godhood. God is the goal of evolution. It is God who is the source of the evolutionary force and God who is the destination. This is what we mean when we say that He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end….

It is one thing to believe in a nice old God who will take good care of us from a lofty position of power which we ourselves could never begin to attain. It is quite another to believe in a God who has it in mind for us precisely that we should attain His position, His power, His wisdom, His identity.8

Madame Blavatsky and Alice Bailey [New Age occultists] could not have said it any better. Peck revealed where he was coming from when he said, “But (The Road) is a sound New Age book, not a flaky one.”9 This book, which was on the New York Times best seller list for over 400 weeks, has been incredibly popular in Christian circles for years. Peck himself said the book sells best in the Bible Belt.

What is happening to mainstream Christianity is the same thing that is happening to business, health, education, counseling, and other areas of society. Christendom is being cultivated for a role in the New Age….

This ultimately points to a global religion based on meditation and mystical experience. New Age writer David Spangler explains it the following way:

There will be several religious and spiritual disciplines as there are today, each serving different sensibilities and affinities, each enriched by and enriching the particular cultural soil in which it is rooted. However, there will also be a planetary spirituality that will celebrate the sacredness of the whole humanity in appropriate festivals, rituals, and sacraments. There will be a more widespread understanding and experience of the holistic nature of reality, resulting in a shared outlook that today would be called mystical. Mysticism has always overflowed the bounds of particular religious traditions, and in the new world this would be even more true.10

The rise of centering prayer is causing many churches to become agents of transformation. Those who practice it tend to embrace [a] one-world-religion idea. One of the main proponents of centering prayer had this revelation:

It is my sense, from having meditated with persons from many different traditions, that in the silence we experience a deep unity. When we go beyond the portals of the rational mind into the experience, there is only one God to be experienced…. I think it has been the common experience of all persons of good will that when we sit together Centering we experience a solidarity that seems to cut through all our philosophical and theological differences.11

In this context, we may compare all the world’s religions to a dairy herd. Each cow may look different on the outside, but the milk would all be the same. The different religious groups would maintain their own separate identities, but a universal spiritual practice would bind them together–not so much a one-world church as a one-world spirituality.

Episcopal priest and New Age leader Matthew Fox explains what he calls “deep ecumenism”:

Without mysticism there will be no “deep ecumenism,” no unleashing of the power of wisdom from all the world’s religious traditions. Without this I am convinced there will never be global peace or justice since the human race needs spiritual depths and disciplines, celebrations and rituals, to awaken its better selves. The promise of ecumenism, the coming together of religions, has been thwarted because world religions have not been relating at the level of mysticism.12

Fox believes that all world religions will eventually be bound together by the “Cosmic Christ”13 principle, which is another term for the higher self.

As incredible as this may sound, it appears to be happening now. The New Age is embedded in American religious culture far deeper and broader than many people imagine. If your concept of the New Age is simply astrology, tarot cards, or reincarnation, then you could easily miss the real New Age as it pulses through the religious current. If mystical prayer continues its advance, then we could one day see, perhaps sooner than we expect, many Christian churches becoming conduits of New Age thought to their membership.

May 2024



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