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Two People “Healed” at the Lakeland Revival Die – From Slaughter of the Sheep


It was inevitable.  A false healing revival with overblown and unsubstatiated reports of healing can only lead to one thing for those who are desperate and looking for healing… death.

I grew up as a Charismatic.  I have seen people suffering with maladies and they were visibly in pain, but yet they would say, “I don’t accept that.  I don’t have _______.”  Even though they have been diagnosed by reputable doctors, they refuse to claim the disease or illness they have been diagnosed with.  To some charismatics, words have power, and if you speak a negative word, they will negatively effect you.  Therefore, only positive words must be spoken.

People with little to no Biblical knowledge have a heart that is a breeding ground for error.  It is these people that are susceptible to the hocus pocus of the Word of Faith/Charismatic doctrine.  One of the cruelest things a minister can do is to tell people unequivocally that they are healed.  Especially when these people are suffering from life-threatening illnesses.  Their misplaced faith can then turn deadly if they aren’t grounded in the Word of God.

Rest of article HERE


Todd Bentley: Claimed but Not Ordained

by Bud Press, Director

Christian Research Service

April 7, 2009


According to his January 2008 book, Journey Into The Miraculous, Todd Bentley claims to have been “ordained” through the Canadian-based Christian Ministers Association, and recognized as a “minister” through the World Ministry Fellowship here in the United States.


With its original roots in the Pentecostal movement, the Christian Ministers Association (CMA) is a “licensing body” that “provides a covering for those in need of meeting the requirements of Canadian Law concerning ordination of clergy,” and a “Canadian charter society registered with the Federal Government” ( ).


But according to a top official from the Christian Ministers Association (CMA), Bentley is not ordained through the CMA, and has never been a member of that association.


Further, Christian Research Service has learned that while Todd Bentley was recognized as a minister through the World Ministry Fellowship (WMF), his membership “papers” have been removed, according to a top official.


Founded in 1963, the WMF is an outreach and fellowship of ministers worldwide that “functions under the oversight of a 12 member Executive Board, a 21 member Advisory Board, and a 12 member Credentialing Committee” ( ). 


Once the WMF board learned the circumstances surrounding Bentley’s leaving the Lakeland revival and resignation from Fresh Fire Ministries, the WMF wasted no time and “moved-in quickly to take action,” a top official said.


Christian Research Service’s contact with the CMA and the WMF was due to the claims made by Todd Bentley in Journey Into The Miraculous

I thank God for my friendship with Patricia [King], and for how God used her as an instrument to ordain me into the ministry–but I always will know that the call came from God. I’ve since been ordained in Canada by my local church, and through the Christian Minister’s Association. In the U.S., I’m recognized as a minister of the Gospel through World Ministry Fellowship in Texas. [Todd Bentley, Journey Into The Miraculous, Destiny Image Publishers, January 2008, p. 162]   

According to Bentley, “God” led him to write Journey Into The Miraculous (p. 22).


Currently, Todd Bentley is undergoing another “restoration,” this time under the auspices of Rick Joyner, Bill Johnson, and Jack Deere. Unfortunately, Joyner, Johnson, and Deere are part of the problem, not the solution.


Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived (2 Timothy 3:12-13). 


Truth to the core


In 2008, Todd Bentley left the Lakeland revival in controversy, disgrace, and sin. Since then, Christian Research Service has maintained that he needs to repent and be born again, and surround himself with solid, Bible-based Christians for council.
CRS has also maintained that if Bentley is groomed, mentored, and “restored” by those who groomed and mentored him in the first place, he will end up in worst shape than ever before.

Solid, Bible-based men and women strive to lead holy lives and teach sound, Bible-based doctrine. They set good examples for others to follow–including the younger generation. They do not suddenly disappear in controversy, disgrace, and sin, then suddenly return months later in more controversy, disgrace, and sin. They are accountable first to God, then to their fellow Christians. To them, truth is paramount, and a false prophet is a false prophet; a false teacher is a false teacher, and sin is sin.



Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them

on the tablet of your heart (Proverbs 3:3). 


Closing comments…


This current fiasco is just the tip of the iceberg, and a natural consequence to a hyper-Charismatic movement gone wild and out of control. In many cases, false prophecies, false teachings, and sin are just mere “mistakes” that can be handled by playing the Wiser than God game, then filtered down though the Department of Compromise and Excuses. Eventually, after all the dust has settled, sin in the camp ends up in a mound of paperwork on the desk of Mr. I. Could Care Less. From there, it ends up in “File 13” (trash can), never to be discussed again.

And they get away with it because they have spent years conditioning and deceiving and intimidating their followers into believing in their self-appointed apostles, prophets, and teachers over-and-above God’s written word, the Bible.


But their fine-tuned deception hasn’t gone unnoticed. God’s righteous judgement is already at work, for He does not bless, honor, or excuse false prophets and false teachers. And they, like others before them, will fall:


Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap (Galatians 6:7).

There is an old saying: “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Todd Bentley made choices. His actions will return to haunt him and those surrounding him. In the meantime, God warns those who continue to be fooled by the Todd Bentley’s of this world:



He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD (Proverbs 17:15).




Time is an enemy to all false teachers. Time has revealed that Todd Bentley’s claims are not ordained.


Here is a video of Rick Joyner at Morningstar Ministries.

This U-Tube video rightly asks if this is revival or paganism. Please watch with discernment.

The young man at the end of the clip  utters between convulsions:

“I need your hearts”

“You’re my people”

“I long for you”

“You are my creation”

Sadly, I do not think these words are from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.




Morningstar is linked with IHOP ministries, Freshfire Ministries (Todd Bentley) and many false teachings on godtv.

Charlie Robinson and his ‘Pillow Fight with Jesus’

Does the word BLASPHEMY ring a bell?!

by Bud Press, Director

Christian Research Service

December 29, 2008

Charlie Robinson, associate of Todd Bentley and Fresh Fire Ministries1, is known for his off-the-wall super-unnatural stories that go well beyond the usual super-duper fantasy conjured up by many within the hyper-Charismatic camp.

It seems that Robinson just isn’t satisfied with the real Jesus Christ (the One Who is so eloquently revealed within God’s holy and inspired written word; the One Who is God Himself in human form, second Person of the Trinity and Creator of the universe; the sinless Savior Who suffered and died on the cross and arose victoriously from the grave; the One Who returned to heaven to prepare a place for those who truly love and worship Him).

That said, the Jesus described in God’s written word is not the same “Jesus” Robinson described in the following excerpt:

After this wonderful fiery experience, I found myself standing in front of Jesus. He turned and grabbed a big white pillow and …..Full Story

This is the lastest email coming out of Global Harvest Ministries  – The names mentioned should be used as a warning list.
A Lakeland Update
From C. Peter Wagner
October 29, 2008

This is an update on the aftermath of the Lakeland Outpouring.

As most of you know, a day or so after I went to Lakeland and helped align Todd
Bentley with Revival Alliance on June 23, the veil of secrecy over a number of serious,
hidden sins began to come off.  God has now shaken what could be shaken in Todd’s
life.  On August 12 he announced that he was leaving his wife of nine years, and
it had been revealed that he had been directing his attentions toward another woman.
This is now history, but many have been asking for an update.
I have delayed sending you this email until I had an official statement from Todd’s
apostolic alignment, John Arnott, Ché Ahn, and Bill Johnson of Revival Alliance.
Here is their statement, issued October 23, 2008, four months after the alignment:
Dear friends, several years ago, six leadership couples came together formed a relationally
based, non-denominational network called Revival Alliance.
When the Lakeland revival broke out Todd Bentley and the revival meetings were coming
under much criticism. At the suggestion of Peter Wagner, three of the members of
the Revival Alliance team went to Lakeland because the Alliance as a whole wanted
to express support for the Lakeland Outpouring and to commission Todd as a revivalistic
evangelist. Having been powerfully touched in the Toronto outpouring, and seeing
the opposition that came from leaders in the church because of that movement, we
wanted to stand with Todd and deflect some of the personal assaults that were coming
against him. Many of the attacks were coming from well-respected Christian leaders,
people that we still hold in high esteem. Yet the mandate from the Lord was clear.
And we stood with Todd and the Fresh Fire Ministries team to both endorse and support
this move of God.
Rory and Wendy Alec of God TV also took tremendous risk in airing the revival prime
time and broadcasting it to over 200 nations around the world. Their heart is to
capture and release the move of God, no matter where it happens, or who God uses
as His instrument. This unparalleled media attention gave unusual advertisement
for the outpouring. But it also put their whole team in an unusual, high-level position
of receiving both praise and criticism.
The impact of the Lakeland Outpouring has been amazing, and it still continues.
The record of conversions and miracles of healing is extraordinarily great in number.
And the spreading of the revival to nation after nation has also been very significant.
The God TV broadcast stirred up the hunger in people from around the world to go
to Lakeland and receive from God, but then bring it home to their local churches.
Impartation seems to be one of the unusual markers of a genuine move of God. Revival
fires began to spread around the world as a result of the impartation received at
Lakeland. But as great as the fruit has been, so have the devastation and fallout
from Todd’s personal failure.
While there must be no toleration or whitewashing of sin, there must also be no
allowances for ungodly judgments in the name of Jesus. Hatred often masquerades
as a passion for holiness. And while the church has had its share of tragic failures
of leaders in recent days and equally tragic reactions, we must get this one right.
It is possible to promote holiness and accountability in the spirit of grace.
The quickness to condemn and abandon a fallen comrade has caused us as much concernas has the actual sin of our friend. Some want to humiliate and expose Todd beforethe world. And then there are others who want to point to the obvious anointing
on Todd’s life as the sign of God’s approval of Todd’s behavior. Neither is acceptable
to us. There must be deep repentance and thorough restoration.
The restoration process must be firm but loving, while holding to the Kingdom standards
of both holiness and grace. The initial goal is not to get Todd preaching again.
It is to get him healed from the issues of the heart that have brought devastation
to his family, and such shame and failure to him. His gift will always function
when given an opportunity. We just want it to come from a place of personal victory
and triumph this next time.
Since the announcement of Todd’s leaving his wife, Revival Alliance has been working
to help restore our fallen brother. Sin is disastrous on any level, but it is well
known that “to whom much is given, much is required.” Gross sin from someone on
Todd’s level of influence is devastating. Even so, God is ready to heal and restore.
Todd recently spent three days in Redding, California, with Bill Johnson dealing
with the issues of his personal life. Following that, he went to Morningstar Ministries
in Charlotte, North Carolina, to be with Rick Joyner for the same reason. Rick,
along with the Morningstar leadership team, has offered to help in his restoration.
With great confidence, Revival Alliance recommends this as the appropriate process
for Todd’s healing and restoration. Todd will be moving to Morningstar Ministries
to live for a season. Rick Joyner’s wisdom, along with the strength of the Morningstar
community of believers, will be a great support to Todd as he deals with the heart
issues that brought about his failures. A council of three has also been formed
to give oversight to the restoration process. Rick Joyner, Jack Deere, and Bill
Johnson will give oversight as needed.
We appreciate the prayers and support of countless numbers of believers who have
continued to support Fresh Fire Ministries. We also appreciate the prayer support
of so many for the Revival Alliance. We are also very thankful for Rick Joyner and
his whole team that will be working to bring about a complete healing to our friend,
Todd Bentley.
It should also be noted that effort is being made to ensure that Shonnah (Todd’s
wife) and children are also cared for and given opportunity to receive ministry
and help. As you may imagine, they have suffered great hurt from this failure.
There are many in Fresh Fire Ministries who also need help. Efforts are being made
to serve them as best as possible. John Arnott recently invited the Fresh Fire Ministries
associates to Toronto for their Signs and Wonders Conference to receive personal
ministry and encouragement. These kinds of efforts will continue.
Bill Johnson, John Arnott, and Rick Joyner have each spent time with the Fresh Fire
Ministries board, and will continue to assist them as needed through this tragic
Fresh Fire Ministries will continue their crusades and conference schedule around
the world. They are a group of ministers with much integrity and a great heart for
the lost. Pray for them as they maneuver through the challenging season ahead, while
serving the church at large.
We are thankful for the honor of being involved in this crisis.
On behalf of Revival Alliance:  John Arnott, Ché Ahn, and Bill Johnson
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Apostolic Protocol
The Todd Bentley situation affords us a good contemporary case study in the proper
application of agreed-upon apostolic protocol.  Before an international TV audience,
Todd affirmed that he desired to be apostolically aligned with Revival Alliance,
and then received their apostolic commissioning as a revivalistic evangelist. 
Almost immediately, the shifting that this alignment produced in the invisible world
caused Todd’s hidden personal life to begin to unravel until he left the Lakeland
Outpouring in early August.  Host apostle, Stephen Strader, continued services in
Ignited Church until he finally closed it in October.
The Revival Alliance took the first steps toward dealing with Todd’s discipline
and possible restoration.  However, Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries in Ft.
Mill, South Carolina, a friend of Todd’s, offered his services to help in the process.
Revival Alliance, then, decided to outsource the long-term hands-on restoration
to Rick.  Rick brought his friend, Jack Deere onto his team, and Bill Johnson was
added to maintain a link with Revival Alliance.
After reading the Revival Alliance statement above, some have asked not only who
is now in charge of the restoration (Rick Joyner authorized by Revival Alliance),
but also who would make the official announcement to the body of Christ if and when
the restoration is complete and give Todd clearance to resume public ministry? 
The answer to this question revolves around responsible apostolic protocol, and
the proper answer is that only Revival Alliance would be authorized to make such
an announcement.
How would I reach that conclusion?  Later on, I will explain the Lakeland Outpouring
Apostolic Team, but first let me introduce an official statement on apostolic protocol
dealing with situations such as Todd Bentley’s issued by the group in October:
Statement from the Lakeland Outpouring Apostolic Team
Current issue:  Paul Cain and his appearance on the platform of the Lakeland Outpouring
The background.  At one point rather early in Lakeland Outpouring I, prophet Paul
Cain was invited to appear on the platform.  A few months before the Outpouring
began he had prophesied publicly that such an outpouring would break out in Lakeland,
and Todd Bentley felt it would be appropriate to recognize Cain on the platform
and let the audience know about his accurate prophecy.  While Cain was there, he
took the opportunity to announce, among other things, that he had been living a
chaste life and that rumors about him were not true.
This event drew criticism from many observers who knew something of Paul Cain’s
recent experiences.  It turned out that he had been living a secret life which involved
problems with drunkenness and homosexuality.  Three Christian leaders who had been
long-time friends and colleagues of Cain, namely Rick Joyner, Mike Bickle, and Jack
Deere, attempted to bring correction and restoration privately, but to little avail.
Consequently, they decided that, following the precepts of Matthew 18, they had
come to the place where they needed to announce Cain’s moral turpitude to the church
at large with the hope that this public reprimand would speed the process of his
restoration.  Cain’s response was to place himself under the accountability of
other, self-chosen, Christian leaders who after a period of time announced that
his restoration had been completed and that he was free to return to public ministry.
This was an obvious violation of apostolic protocol.  The correct apostolic protocol
would have been for the three who first blew the whistle publicly to have been involved
directly in any announcement to the body of Christ that Cain’s restoration had been
complete.  Not only were the three not involved, but they felt that the timing for
such an announcement had been premature.
Bentley knew something of this situation because he reportedly later commented that
he had thought (wrongly!) that he had first cleared his intentions of inviting Cain
to the platform with Rick Joyner.  The problem had become more complicated with
Cain’s public confession of having lived a chaste life, apparently denying that
he ever had been involved in homosexuality.  His later explanation that he really
meant that he had been chaste only since his “restoration” was not sufficient to
change the impression left with the huge international television audience who
heard his first words.  Our conclusion is that inviting Cain on the platform and
allowing him to have the microphone was an unfortunate mistake on the part of Bentley
since it was an intended or unintended violation of apostolic protocol.
The principle.  What can we learn from this?  The principle is that the prescribed
restoration of a fallen leader should be undertaken only by or under the direct
supervision of the apostle or apostolic group (whether or not the term “apostle”
is used) with which the fallen leader has previously aligned.  The practice of the
leader, himself or herself, slipping out from under a recognized accountability
structure in order to select what would inevitably be a more lenient person or group
of persons should be regarded by the body of Christ as unacceptable behavior.  The
proper apostolic protocol should be for  those involved in the initial apostolic
alignment, and those people only, to make any public announcement on the progress
of the restoration or that the restoration has been completed and that the restored
leader be allowed once again to resume public ministry.
As a footnote, it should be recorded that in recent years Paul Cain has not been
the only high-profile leader to attempt this evasion of accountability.  Others
have taken similar erroneous pathways, and our opinion is that there should be
a general consensus in the church that such behavior will not be repeated or tolerated
in the future.
Lakeland Outpouring Apostolic Team
October 10, 2008
In light of the above statement it seems clear that public reports of the progress
or successful termination of Todd Bentley’s restoration be made only with the explicit
approval of Revival Alliance.  Any attempt to circumvent this apostolic protocol
(as was done in the case of Paul Cain) should not be regarded as acceptable to
the body of Christ.  Especially those of us in the charismatically-inclined evangelical
stream feel deep embarrassment over a number of recent cases that have taken this
deviant route.
The Lakeland Outpouring Apostolic Team
As I have told you in other emails, after I moderated the meeting at which Todd
Bentley was aligned and commissioned, I received over three thousand emails.  Many
of them expressed dismay and concern over issues that had surfaced during the Outpouring
itself and during the commissioning.  I carefully cataloged these and simultaneously
pulled together a group of apostles which I called the Lakeland Outpouring Apostolic
Team.  The team included Stephen Strader, Steve Strang, David Cannistraci, Ché Ahn,
Lee Grady, Joe Askins, Jeff Beacham, Chuck Pierce, and John Arnott besides myself.
One of the first things we did was to analyze the issues raised and end up with
a list of 24 important concerns, each of which we would discuss and attempt to
issue a public statement to the body of Christ.
We began our work and issued the statement above on apostolic protocol for the Paul
Cain case, reducing the list to 23.
Meanwhile, God began speaking to Dutch Sheets, whom many of you know is my pastor
at Freedom Church here in Colorado Springs, and who has been recognized as an apostle
to our nation.  Dutch felt that God was giving him an assignment to deal with many
of the issues that I had on my list, and others as well, from a proactive, rather
than a reactive posture as I had been doing.
After consulting with John Kilpatrick, Dutch approached me with the possibility
of making some changes.  I gladly received his suggestions and, frankly, I was greatly
relieved.  While I chaired Todd’s alignment ceremony in obedience to a direct word
from God, I did not have the same clear assignment from God to deal with the issues.
I had organized the Lakeland Outpouring Apostolic Team only because I felt it was
my duty.  Dutch now has a passion for the task, while I only had a sense of responsibility.
The upshot is that I have now disbanded the Lakeland Outpouring Apostolic Team
and passed the torch to Dutch Sheets, who will form a similar group.  One condition
for Dutch’s action was that I would agree to be a member of the new group, which
I did.  I also think that a proactive stance will be much more profitable for the
body of Christ long term than my reactive approach, dealing specifically with problems
arising from the Lakeland Outpouring which no longer exists.
That is my update for now, and probably the last one I will issue on the subject
of Lakeland.   Criticisms of what I have done have been severe, but affirmations
have outnumbered them maybe one hundred to one.  Only a few have been so upset that
they have severed relations with me, and I deeply regret this.  But I have no regrets
over what I have done in the last four months, although there are undoubtedly a
few things that I could have done better.

Let’s move on to new horizons for the kingdom of God!









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Faith healer abandons pulpit
Evangelist leaves Florida faithful, marital friction suspected
Glenda Luymes
The Province

An Abbotsford faith healer has mysteriously left the Florida pulpit where he attracted hundreds of thousands of miracle-seeking followers.

Todd Bentley arrived at the Ignited Church in Lakeland, Fla., for a five-day preaching stint in early April. Five days became four months as he began drawing hundreds of people, some from as far away as Europe, to the church each night.

In an interview from Florida in April, Bentley told The Province he planned to stay in the U.S. until the crowds left.

They haven’t, but Bentley has.

A notice posted on the website of Bentley’s Abbotsford-based ministry says he and his wife, Shonnah, are “experiencing significant friction in their relationship and are currently separated.”

Staff at Fresh Fire Ministries did not return calls yesterday.

But Patsy Barnes with the Ignited Church said the healing ministry is continuing — without Bentley.

“I do not know where Todd is,” she said.

A preaching itinerary posted on the Fresh Fire website advertises a “One Night Only Revival Impartation with Todd Bentley” in Spokane, Wash., on Saturday and an Abbotsford conference on Sept. 17. It is unclear whether Bentley will attend either.

Christian bloggers across Canada and the U.S. are questioning Bentley’s authenticity.

Some speculate his abrupt departure from the Florida revival is due to marital problems, while others point to a segment on ABC News’ investigative program, Nightline.

The program, which aired in July, showed footage from the Florida revival. In one heart-breaking scene, a 15-year-old boy with spina bifida walks without leg braces in front of Bentley and the crowd. He is later shown stumbling and falling outside the church.

The Nightline reporter asked Fresh Fire for three people who can show medical proof they have been healed through Bentley. None could be provided.

When The Province earlier asked to speak to someone who had been healed through Bentley in either B.C. or Florida, Fresh Fire was unable to find someone, citing difficulties with outdated contact information and record-keeping problems.

© The Vancouver Province 2008
Thank you Bud for sending the updated information

Justin Peters was at the revival and in a wheelchair himself. Hear his account of the healings at this so-called revival, and about the people who were walking in the “sauce”.

Part One

 Part Two

A man does just does not have enough faith to walk from his wheelchair.  Justin also speaks about the importance of music at these gatherings and the key role it plays on the audience.


Justin who has cerebral palsy, praises God for His providence of removing him from the WOF movement, and thanks God for the gift of his disease which keeps him dependant on the Lord.  What an amazing person…. this Justin Peters.  Praise God for the burden he carries for the deceptions we are seeing today and for his courage to tell us about it.

May 2024



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