UPDATE:  8/3/2010

PLEASE READ – There are some red flags about  BSF.


Hello……I would like to invite you to try a wonderful Bible Study called BSF.  This will be my 7th year in this 8 year program. This year we are going to study the Book of John and something new has been added. 1 John is going to be incorporated into the study.  John  presents the life of Jesus and His death so that one can come to believe that Jesus is truly the Son of God.

  Those who are already  familiar with BSF will think the above paragraph has a mistake. 8 year program? Yes indeed, 8 years. The good news is out. A new study is being prepared for the 2010-2011 year. Isaiah!  Yes it is true. Those who have completed the entire series will have a new study to look forward to.

We also got great news that the weekly questions will be available as a download. If for some reason you missed a week, you can download the questions and be ready for the next week’s discussion. I just tried the link and it works great. If you are enrolled in BSF, you will be able to  access up to 5 weeks of questions. Also all 5 levels of the children’s questions will be available too!

Access the questions at this site and if you have any problems you should contact your discussion leader.


The adult program has men’s and women’s classes, days and night. Check this site for local times and dates. I teach in the Children’s Program on Monday nights and this program is intended to encourage child and parent to daily study the Word of God together during the week.

Through Bible study we learn how to have a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. On a daily basis we establish the habit of reading the Bible and knowing Jesus Christ through His Word.

The picture you see is me and my Bible and my study notes and questions.  That is it. This is the extent of the adult program paperwork.  By reading the scripture, and then answering the questions, you will learn how to apply the truths from the Word of God to your daily life. A discussion group follows and then you listen to the lecture afterward. 

So are you hungry for the Word of God and living a life that is dedicated to serving the Lord? Try BSF….

Please also read:


If you have children please read:
