From Christian Research Network: 

“The video above has to be seen to be believed. It was produced by A Little Leaven and shows the latest heresies being spread by ‘Pastrix” Paula White. In this video Paula outright DENIES that Jesus is the Only Begotten Son of God AND tells us not to pray to Jesus. She also mangles the Biblical teaching of Christ’s Atonement on the cross for our sins and turns it into a teaching about prosperity.”

This is one shocking video…right before Easter too!  I have never seen the crucifix so horribly misrepresented. Length 5:45 minutes.

Here are some quotes.

“Jesus’ hands were pierced by the nails to restore dominion to the works of your hands.”

“Jesus’ feet were nailed to restore total dominion in your walk.”

“Jesus bled on the inside when He was bruised to break every iniquity which is the repeated sins of your forefathers.”

PW – “I now come into a priestly anointing.”

LH – “Jesus is not the only begotten Son of God. He is not….I am a Son of God.” 

LH  – “Jesus said ‘Do not pray to me.'”

May God have mercy.